I have been subconsciously compiling a list of New Year's Resolutions for both Colin and myself that I wanted to put into writing (mostly just for motivation's sake).
1. read the scriptures daily
(both together and separately)
I have to admit...
we have been majorly slacking for the past while here.
we've both noticed that we tend to
have more patience,
feel more positive,
and feel more motivated
on the days that we do read the scriptures.
we get to learn more about the Gospel
win-win situation right there!
2. visit the temple once a month
Now that the Boise temple has re-opened
we're hoping to get into the habit of visiting regularly
3. MOVE!
I'm not going to lie
~ I am ready to get outta here! ~
This little apartment of ours has been great
But it's old,
We have ridiculously shady (and not to mention scary) neighbors,
and I'm just ready to be done!
I was hoping we were going to be able to move this month,
(it would have been a great way to start off the new year)
but it just didn't happen.
Soon, though. :)
4. find a new job for Colin
it's as simple as this;
Nothing against Citi and the Collections Department,
but Colin is starting to get really tired of getting yelled at all day.
he's been doing this for the past nine months...
...i have no idea how he's lasted this long.
so if anyone knows of places that are looking to hire an
amazing, talented, hard-working, and not to mention sexy man...
...Colin needs something part time while he finishes up school,
so please give us a call.
5. become the ultimate dental assistant
for those of you who don't already know...
I am no longer employed at Pizza Hut
I was hired in December at All About You Dental
working as a dental assistant.
long story short:
i love it!
there are so many opportunities for growth
and so much knowledge to gain
I feel like I'm going to school everyday!
((which is a good thing, or else I would go crazy))
My goal this year is to become as much of an asset to the practice as possible.
6. get our buns in gear!
a very common resolution, i know
(and I'm not even sure how adamant Colin is about this one)
I mean, it's not like we're getting super chubby or anything
I'm averaging around 115 these days
Colin is usually between 155-160
I'd say we're pretty healthy people when you look at it that way
but lately I've just been feeling so...
you know what I mean?
time for a gym membership...
... or at least an afternoon jog every once in a while
7. weekly blog updates
this has definitely not been on the top of my priority list in the past,
but I really feel like this is one of the best ways to stay in touch with those of you I don't seen on a daily basis
so I'm going to try!
I created a tab at the top of this page labeled
I'm thinking that is going to be the best day to update on here.
Four times minimum per month
that's my goal.
(plus any other exciting news that may arise)
And of course all of the other little tiny resolutions that I may think of,
but this is pretty much the gist of it all.
Basically I'm hoping to better myself in general this year
2012 was great
2013 is going to be even better! :)
As far as what we're up to nowadays...
well, it's just us three...
and Dumpster.
I guess this is her internet debut,
but she's been my "baby" for the past few years.
(back when I worked at the daycare, someone dumped four little kittens in the dumpster outside of our building. After rounding them all up, she was by far the most fierce and no one wanted to bring her home. I brought her home and tamed her, I guess you would say. She is now the SWEETEST little fluff ball on four legs.)
This little feline is awesome;
she always seems to know when I need some cuddles,
and (as you can see), she can always tell when Colin and I are leaving
and she does all within her power to stop us
Our daily lives consist of work, work, and more work.
Up until the beginning of this month,
I was working two jobs.
I kind of grew accustomed to working 16-18 hour work days
as terrible as that sounds.
It's definitely nice to have a consistent,
more normal,
schedule now.
Colin just started school this week at CWI.
He's taking 12 credits this semester,
and he's working about 20 hours a week at Citi,
so we are definitely keeping busy, I'd say.
Oh, Colin was recently called to be the Elder's Quorum Secretary in our ward!
He is very excited about it, and I know he's going to be awesome!
I was happy for him, but devastated at the same time
(I know, call me selfish)
Up until now we have been Primary teachers together
and we just got put into the Sunbeams class
3 and 4 year-olds
There are probably 8 or 9 kids in that class
usually we only have 6 or 7 there each week,
but now I'm by myself!
ahh.. I don't know what I'm going to do!
Let's just say there is going to be lots of singing and coloring going on...
Anyway, that's about it!
Things are going awesome;
we have been so blessed!
Sure, we've faced challenges
and physically,
but with Heavenly Father's help
we're making the best of it! :)