It's amazing to think about how much my life has changed within the past year. My mind has been spinning with information, stories, and exclamations that I finally decided to join the world of blogging once again. Hopefully this time I'll be more successful in keeping it updated. I'm not really the type of person to write elaborate entries about deep, incomprehensible things. I DO like to write, but I also like to be myself. My writing reflects my inner voice - I don't try to "smarten" it up with ridiculously huge words or expressions. I write on my blog just like I would write in my journal: grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure mean very little to me. I would rather get my point across than worry about the format of my writing; I have to do that enough in school.
Right after I graduated from high school last June, I decided that I needed to get out - and fast. As soon as I was able to, I started attending a Single's Ward. It was SO nice to get away from my home ward and all of the drama there. I saw Colin the very first week I was there. I remember pointing him out to my older brother, Brice, and asking about it. He told me about how funny Colin was, but he didn't really know TOO much about him. I was definitely interested. A couple of weeks later I sang a musical number in sacrament meeting, which I think went pretty well. I sang an arrangement of 'I Know My Redeemer Lives' (which is Sister Smedley's favorite song, just thought I would throw that out there). Anyway, the next class was Gospel Doctrine, and I was sitting next to my friends Ivy Smedley and Steffani Bush. There was an empty seat next to me on the other side. I remember leaning over to them and whispering 'I wish Colin would sit next to me.' They just laughed and rolled their eyes, as did I. I knew it would never happen, Colin would NEVER pay attention to a silly little girl fresh out of high school. To my enormous surprise, right then the door opened behind us and it was Colin. He looked around the room and spotted the seat next to me. I'm pretty sure I was bright red when he came and sat next to me, and Ivy and Steffani were in complete shock. There were PLENTY of other open chairs in that class, so it wasn't just a coincidence. He then leaned over me and whispered this:
"Your song today was really pretty. It kind of made me want to marry you."
I was shocked, embarrassed, and flattered all at the same time. I remember stuttering a little after that, probably making a complete fool out of myself, but then we started talking for real. From what I can recall, I'm pretty sure our conversation consisted of how much we like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. haha! Anyway, after class ended he asked me for my number and then asked me on a date. Of course I said yes! I still remember how his hands were shaking when he was typing in my phone number. :) We started dating after two days of seeing each other, and five months later we're getting married.
That's probably the most epic story I've ever heard of. :) It's definitely something that I won't be forgetting anytime soon. Once Colin had suggested marriage, it took me a few weeks to realize that it was okay. I wasn't planning on being the girl that got married right out of high school, but I also wasn't planning on meeting my eternal companion so soon either. But, here I am, and I couldn't be happier! Life is just perfect right now, and the wedding plans are going miraculously well. We have been SO blessed! Everything is just falling into place - I can tell that the Lord is on our side, there's really no other explanation for it. Things couldn't be better! I have a loving family, a secure job, an amazing fiancé, and the one true Gospel in my life! I am such a lucky girl! 2011 is definitely going to be full of hardships and challenges - and I KNOW that I'm going to be taken WAY out of my comfort zone - but I'm still pumped!
"I believe in Christ, so come what may" - Bruce R. McConkie (LDS Hymn 134)